A Holiday Message
from the President
December 2022

Dear Juniata Alumni, Parents, and Friends,
The holiday season provides many moments to cherish—gathering with family and loved ones, exchanging gifts, and reflecting upon the year gone by.
Now, as we are poised to flip the final calendar page to transition from 2022 to 2023, we at Juniata express our deep gratitude for a year filled with gifts and moments to celebrate. We look forward to a new year and new opportunities to fulfill our mission of preparing our students to develop the skills, knowledge, and values that lead to a fulfilling life of service and ethical leadership in the global community.
Each month, we enjoy highlighting the successes, achievements, and stories of our students, staff, faculty, and alumni, all of which are made possible through your gifts and support.
May your holidays be filled with warmth and joy.
President & Mrs. Troha

A Magical Madrigal
A Magical Madrigal

Celebrating December Graduates
Celebrating December Graduates

Sights of the Season
Sights of the Season

A Magical Madrigal
A Magical Madrigal

Celebrating December Graduates
Celebrating December Graduates

A Magical Madrigal
A Magical Madrigal

Sights of the Season
Sights of the Season

Celebrating December Graduates
Celebrating December Graduates

Sights of the Season
Sights of the Season

A Magical Madrigal
A Magical Madrigal

Celebrating December Graduates
Celebrating December Graduates

Celebrating December Graduates
Celebrating December Graduates

A Magical Madrigal
A Magical Madrigal