President's Newsletter

May 2023

Dear Juniata Community,

The clouds overhead were no match for the smiles on the faces of our graduates and their families at our 145th Commencement Ceremony. As you will see in the photo montage at the end of this email, it was a day filled with celebration and appreciation.

As we enjoy the first days of summer break and look fondly back on the 2022/2023 academic year, I’d like to share the outstanding achievements of our faculty and students which have occurred since my previous newsletter. Kyle Louder ’23 has received a Fulbright English Teaching Award to Bulgaria, Elijah Weaver ’24 has been awarded a David L. Boren Scholarship and a Gilman Scholarship to study in Taiwan, and Abby Sunchen ’26, Kaylin Bishop ’24, Axel Grater ’24, and AlexSandra Sanna ’24 will be participating in internships with the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty this summer.

At our Spring Convocation, four faculty members were honored with distinguished teaching and service awards. Brad Andrew was named the 56th recipient of the Beachley Award for Distinguished Teaching, Kim Roth was honored with the 34th annual Beachley Award for Distinguished Academic Service, Li Shen received the Henry ’57 and Joan Gibbel Award for Distinguished Teaching (for faculty members with fewer than six years of service), and Elizabeth “Liz” Mansberger was awarded the second annual Eagle Advising Award. 

I'm proud to announce that Elizabeth Homan has accepted the position of Vice President for Strategic Marketing & Communications. Beth’s first day on campus will be June 26, 2023.

As we look to the beginning of a new season, we are also heading into the end of our giving year, May 31. If you haven’t made your gift to Juniata this year, we encourage you to do so (and ask you to share a reminder with your classmates and fellow alumni). These gifts make a world of difference in the lives of our students!
Please join us in the celebration of another successful academic year and in congratulating the members of the Class of 2023!

Warm regards,
President James A. Troha

This Month at Juniata

Celebrating Class of 2023

Juniata’s 145th Commencement Ceremony celebrated 308 graduates and the four recipients of honorary doctor of humane letters degrees, Charles W. “Bud” Wise III, trustee and former professor of business and economics; and Larry Bock, women’s and men’s volleyball coach from 1977 to 2011 and Athletic Director from 1995-2011; and Commencement speakers, Andrew “Andy” Murray, Elizabeth Evans Baker Professor of Peace Studies, Emeritus; and Anne C. Baker, Trustee Emerita.

Welcome, Elizabeth Homan

Juniata College will welcome Elizabeth Homan as its new Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Communications this summer. Homan will guide the creative endeavors of Juniata’s branding, marketing content and materials production, and internal and external communication. Homan comes to Juniata from Howard Community College (HCC) in Columbia, Maryland, where she has served as Executive Director of Public Relations and Marketing since 2014.

Faculty Members Honored

Four Juniata College faculty members were honored with distinguished teaching and service awards. Honored for their work were Elizabeth “Liz” Mansberger, Li Shen, Kim Roth, and Brad Andrew. Award nominations are received from students, faculty, administrative personnel, alumni, and trustees. The college president, the provost, the student government president, and the three most recent recipients of the award make the final selections.

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