President's Newsletter
August 2024

Dear Juniata Community,
Today marks the start of a new academic year, filled with a promise of new beginnings and opportunities for growth. I’ve had the honor of welcoming new and returning students to campus each of the past 12 years, and the excitement of a new semester is electric year after year.
It is such a joy to see the Juniata mission come to life over these first few days of the fall semester, when the kindness of our community is reflected in the eyes of more than 400 members of the Class of 2028. From move-in day and new student picnic to the candle lighting, alma mater, and coffee on the quad, these special moments bind us together as Juniatians, whether our first day was today, last year, a decade ago, or 50 years past.
With September fast approaching, I am pleased to extend the spirit of welcome to our six new board members, Eric D. Biddle ’82, Stephanie L. Haines ’92, Bruce A. Jones ’75, Judodine P. Nichols, Jill Schadler ’91, and David G. Wagner ’85, who will begin their three-year terms at the beginning of the month.
Members of our campus community have spent time this summer engaging with the wider community on and off campus. Juniata hosted a Chamber After Hours networking event at the Statton Learning Commons with 50 Huntingdon leaders dedicated to business and community improvement. Statton Learning Commons also welcomed the WPSU Board of Representatives for their annual field trip meeting and "Hoagies for Heroes," an event to honor and build partnerships with local firefighters and first responders.
Thank you for being a member of this beloved community and sharing the excitement of a new semester. We hope to see you on campus this fall.
Warm regards,
President James A. Troha

Summer Research

Prevena Ramakrishnan '26 spent the summer studying the function of Gene YKR004C in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Jill Keeney, Charles A. Dana Professor of Biology.
Prevena Ramakrishnan '26 spent the summer studying the function of Gene YKR004C in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Jill Keeney, Charles A. Dana Professor of Biology.
Juniata’s faculty routinely engage students in research, and many students also design and conduct their own research as part of their coursework. This summer, 31 students engaged in faculty-mentored research projects, covering subject areas ranging from “Reduction Cooling in Wood Fired Ceramics” to “Tuning the electronic and geometric structure of two-dimensional metal alloys.”
Our students had the opportunity to participate in “Rural Community Solutions to Address Tickborne Diseases: A One Health Initiative” for a second year.
The significant experience gained gained through original research provides Juniata students with a distinct advantage in graduate programs. Many students now design and conduct their own research projects as part of their coursework.

Natalie DuMars '25 studied "Reduction Cooling in Wood Fired Ceramics" under the supervision of Robert Boryk, instructor of art and art history.
Natalie DuMars '25 studied "Reduction Cooling in Wood Fired Ceramics" under the supervision of Robert Boryk, instructor of art and art history.

Coffee on the Quad
What better way to kick off the fall semester than with Coffee on the Quad? As always, First Dogs Lyla and Lainey were on hand to meet and greet old friends and new friends! Photos by Maggie Eckroat '26

Connections and Community
From Inbound to candle lighting, the transition into a new academic year is steeped in tradition. We welcome the newest members to our community while deepening our connections to one another and Juniata. Student life organizes a series of events to acclimate new students to campus and to build friendships and encourage connections. Photos by Maggie Eckroat '26 and Joyce Yong.

Welcoming New Faculty

Joseph Bock, Scholar in Residence, Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Mary Anne Mong, Assistant Professor of Education, Department of Education

Jianyuan Ni, Assistant Professor of Information Tech & Computer Science, Department of Computer Science

Kara Pytko, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Shuang Quan, Assistant Professor of Education, Department of Education

Wendy Vazquez Gomez, Fulbright Scholar, Department of Politics

Brian Zanger, Assistant Professor of Physics/Engineering Physics, Department of Physics/Engineering Physics

Did you know 183 of the 405 members of the Class of 2028 received a Juniata Community Scholarship? That means 45% of the newest Juniatians were recruited by people just like you!
Juniata alumni and parents of current students can share the life-changing opportunities of a Juniata education by referring a prospective student, who will receive materials and communications from Juniata.
If admitted and the student chooses to attend Juniata, they will receive a $1,000 scholarship annually as an undergraduate in your name—with no financial commitment necessary. It's that easy!
The deadline to recommend high school seniors for Fall 2025 is Friday, November 15, 2024.

Troha Retained as NCAA Division III Presidents Council Chair

President Jim Troha will serve a second term as chair of the NCAA Division III Presidents Council, the highest governing body for NCAA's largest division. He previously served as vice chair and was also a member of the NCAA Board of Governors Finance and Audit Committee and chair of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee.
The NCAA Division III Presidents Council works on the behalf of student-athletes at 433 colleges and universities and 44 voting conferences across the country.
The NCAA Division III Presidents Council establishes and directs the general policy of Division III, establishes the strategic plan, and approves the use of funds allocated to the Division. The Presidents Council also makes recommendations to the NCAA Board of Governors on matters related to Division III such as championships. The 18 Division III Presidents Council members are elected in balloting open to all presidents and chancellors at member institutions.

Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce After Hours

Juniata College hosted an After Hours event with the Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce on July 25, welcoming representatives from local businesses and organizations to Statton Learning Commons. President Troha welcomed guests and shared an update on the College. Attendees had the chance to win one of two baskets filled with items from local alumni-owned businesses.